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Christmas in July


Starting July 1, 2021,  the Nobles of Palestine Temple #18 are collecting toys for our "Christmas in July" program. It's never too early to get in the spirit of giving! Each month, we collect toys or funds to donate to the Child Advocacy Center, Toys for Tots, and Department of Human Resources (DHR) during the Christmas holidays.


Help us meet our goal of 200 toys! Monetary donations are accepted via CashApp: $palestinetemple18 or PayPal: 


Contact Chairman Terrance Moore for more information or to arrange toy pickups

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***The opinions and pages of this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or policies of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of North and South America and its Jurisdictions, Inc., Prince Hall Affiliation its officers, Constituent Temples, and Members***

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