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Past Potentate



Keith Lafayette


Imperial Deputy of the Oasis



To the Nobles & Daughters throughout the Imperial Domain,


I bring you greetings from the Nobles & Daughters of the great Oasis of Mobile, here in the Desert of Alabama.​ If this is your first time visiting with us, please do not allow it to be your last. Mobile is an Oasis that is on the move. We invite you to hook up your caravan and ride with us.


Although this Oasis is famously known for the Azalea Trail run, the Annual Senior Bowl football game, the Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo, the Gulf Coast Classic Football game and the Boom, Boom known as Mardi Gras, the Nobles of Palestine Temple #18 and the Daughters of Palestine Court #49 is actively involved in supporting the initiatives as set forth by the Imperial Council and the Imperial Court. Together we are mentoring local youths, registering voters, raising funds for the NDI and performing various charities throughout the local area.


If this Oasis can be of any assistance to you, your Temple or Court, please do not hesitate to contact us. A mentor once asked me.....“What good is a closed hand? Nothing! It can only make a fist; you can’t grab hold of anything and nothing comes out and nothing goes in; however with an open hand, you can reach out and lift up your fellowman and help them on their journey.” We, in the Oasis of Mobile, are standing by the hitching post awaiting your call.

In closing, please continue to practice social distancing during this pandemic and may GOD’s peace and blessing be with each of you.


Greetings Nobles and Daughters of the Desert of Alabama and throughout the Domain,


Welcome to the virtual living room of my home, Palestine Temple #18 (make yourself comfortable!). It is an honor to represent my Temple and the Imperial Council as the Deputy of the Desert of Alabama. 


My main goal as Deputy is to continue moving this great Desert forward as those Deputies before me have done! Those of you that know me, know that I am and have always been an advocate of supporting our Daughters in all their endeavors. I was taught this by my mentors, namely the late Deputy Emeritus U. S. Reed, Deputy Wilber Webb, and Deputy of the Oasis Emeritus Acie Hale. Now as Deputy of the Desert I will do everything within the bounds of my office to support Deputy for the Desert Pat Moore and the Daughters of this Desert.


I am asking each Noble and Daughter for your continued support of this office during the days ahead. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns via the email address below. Please continue to practice social distancing and may GOD KEEP EACH OF YOU SAFE UNTIL WE MEET IN PERSON AGAIN!


“I’ve learned that Nobles will forget what you said, Nobles will forget what you did, but Nobles will never forget how you made them feel.”


We welcome all of you to come and visit our GREAT Oasis at any time and enjoy our Hospitality and fellowship.




Honorary Past Imperial Potentate



Clarence D. Washington​


Imperial Deputy of the Desert


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***The opinions and pages of this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views, or policies of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of North and South America and its Jurisdictions, Inc., Prince Hall Affiliation its officers, Constituent Temples, and Members***

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